Data collected from the mobile devices: Phone and iPad Usage
- All day: Received emails from MIT, friends and online shopping website
- All day: Chatted with friends and families through Wechat
- 12:10 PM: Scheduled a meeting reservation and added it to my calendar
- 12:30-12:45 PM: Watched a short video on Youtube App
- 1:00 – 4:30 PM: Took pictures of slides during lectures
- 5:00 PM: Reviewed my Credit Card usage on Chase App
- 5:13 PM: Made a phone call to the PCP
- 5:22 PM: Updated my iPhone system
- 5:31 PM: Updated the Apps on my iPhone
Data collected from computer
- All day: Received emails from MIT, friends and online shopping website
- All day: Searched on Google, including news, weather, and python guidance
- All day: Watched videos on Youtube
- 7:55 AM: Made changes to the meeting slides and uploaded to Dropbox folder
- 8:00 AM: Started the Webex meeting through my computer
- 9:35 AM: Downloaded the Atom software for class
- 9:50 AM: Cloned the class material from Github
- 10:43 AM: Connected to lab server and downloaded the test results
- 1:00 – 4:30 PM: Used Evernote to take notes during lectures
- 5:34 PM: Browsing on
- 6:18 PM: Searched for a flight ticket
- 7:00 PM: Wrote thesis on Overleaf
- 8:47 PM: Installed python packages using pip install
- 11:36 PM: Wrote the blog
Data collected from provider:
- 11:15 AM: Paid for my lunch using the credit card
- All day: Electricity usage of my apartment
- All day: Geospatial data collected from FMS (MIT Mobility Survey App)
- 8:15 PM: Pharos MIT Printer